Saturday, 16 February 2013


Other posts relating to the IES
Post 3 
Post 1
In response to some private inquiries and finally prompted by the comment left on this blog by Tony,
Here are the specs of our Inverter Energy System and a sample of the output thus far.

Before I go too much further I just want to give credit to SAMIL Power Australia.
They have been in contact with me in response to my service inquiries. First by  phone then multiple times via email and again by phone when the installer came to inspect the Inverter ... the subject of my next posting

The IES Installation Details

 As noted in previous posts the inverter is a SAMIL 5200TL-D which is a Dual tracking 5kw system

It is powered by 24x CSUN 250W (250-60M) 16% efficiency panels.

These are set up as 2 arrays, 1x 11 panels and 1x 13 panels.

They are set flat on a 'flat' roof at an angle of 7° to horizontal and facing in an East-North-east direction.
The reason for the low angle was my paranoia at having a large 'wind-sail' mounted on my roof during Queensland cyclones, so wanted to minimise the wind resistance. 

The main issues I see with this approach are:
  1. Because the panels are flat, they will rapidly accumulate sediments through lack of run-off washing-effect during rains, and thus loose maximum efficiency, hence will require regular cleaning.
  2. While they start power production soon after first-light, they tend to roll-off peak production somewhat earlier than I would have liked in the afternoons as the sun Westerns
The system was installed by BioSolarTM and I'm pleased to say their contractors did an extremely professional and neat installation job.
They were recommended to me by a personal friend and I would equally recommend them to others.

IES Generation Details

As far as power generation goes, the easiest way to sum it up is with the spreadsheet I have been maintaining in the face of the hopeless reliability of all record-keeping associated with the SAMIL due to it's un-reliable internal logging, it's un-reliable LAN connectivity and the SolarPower Browser's un-reliability at recording data (see next post) ... at those times when it could actually get data from the SAMIL in a consistent fashion!
               All figures are in KWh

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