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I use VBA extensively (and an occasional recorded macro!), to perform some fairly complex system integrations and automation of data Extracts, Transforms, Loads and Informs, using Excel, Access, Word, Outlook and a range of legacy applications.
Ask your question in the comments and I'll see if I can solve it for you.
MS Access questions here
I'm very interested in your Test Management solution you mentioned in Debra's Contexture Blog.
Can you name some features of it?
Hi Hugo
It's so long since I posted I've forgotten what I posted! (You might want to comment me the link you were looking at)
I'm guessing it was the poor-mans test-management workbook solution I created in the absence of funding to purchase tools to do it properly.
Key features ... let me see;
* Single shared workbook manages all testers/streams
* Presents real-time percentile progress in single-view Test-Summary-Report worksheet as Testers/streams are progressed.
* Each stream/tester worksheet is hyper-linked from the TSR for rapid drill-down
* All color coded with typical traffic-light visual status summaries
* Enforces Sign-off by test stream owners
* Each tester/stream has their own worksheet with test cases listed per row.
* Test streams can have compulsory pre-req's before test start is allowed
* As test cases are completed the stream/tester percentile-complete increments and reflects in TS worksheet.
* Each test case has; drop-down progress status ; Test-pass classification with Incident severity ranking; Remediation status selection and notes
* All test case entries hyperlink to sections within test case documents (Word and PDF)which contain required test-steps and expected outcomes.
There's quite a bit more but those are the key things off the top of my head.
If you are interested I can post some screen shots of what it looks like
Ho Col,
any news on that?
Hi again Hugo
I apologise if you were waiting for a response from me but as I never heard more from you till now, I hadn't bothered with further updates.
Why don't you shoot me an email at affiliate at techtamed dot com outlining what you are interested in and I'll try to answer what I can.
As far as "any news" ... it successfully filled a need for three major upgrades and successfully got a primitive organisation well into understanding what test management is about and how it operates at its most basic level.
It has operated well at zero purchase cost, apart from my design and development time totaling maybe 3 man-weeks all up.
I'm now pushing them to start using a "proper" (purpose built) COTS tool.
best regards Col. Sanders
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